I'm glad you found us online and hope that you will visit often. If you are new to the area, stop by the parish office to say hello or introduce yourself after Mass. If you've been away for awhile, welcome back.
At Our Parish
Marian Devotions: The Legion of Mary, Our Lady of Grace Praesidium meets every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in Columbus Hall at St. Patrick Church. The 13th of the Month Devotion request of Mary "Rosa Mystica" takes place in St. Bridget Church on the 13th of every Month at 4:00 pm to Pray for priests, religious and vocations.
Rosary for Life: Mondays at 6:30 pm in St. Patrick Church
Ash Wednesday Masses with Ashes: March 5, 2025 Mass at St. Bridget 7am & 7pm Mass at St. Patrick 8:30am and Noon
Coffee Hours: The First Thursday of each month following the 8:00 am Mass at St. Patrick in Columbus Hall and Friday's at St. Bridget Church Following the 8:00 am Mass in Marian Hall
Choir Rehearsals for the Paschal Triduum start on Thursday, February 20 at St. Patrick Church at 7:00 pm in the choir loft.: Anyone of high school age and up are welcome to join and fully participate in the music for the Litugy. The choir will also lead the congreagation in song during all the Hymns, Acclamations, and many Responses sung throughout the Triduum. As always, there are no auditions, no solos, and no singing experience necessary. Please contact John Higgins at 860 422-0251 after 5pm or if interested.
Lenten Fish Fry's sponsored by the Knights of Columbus council 6190: Start Friday, March 7th 4:30pm to 7:15pm in the St. Patricks Parish Center. This year's offerings include breaded cod, clams and shrimp, which will be served with French fries and cole slaw. Baked cod and fried flounder tenders meals have been added. Chowder will also be available. Coffee, tea, water and soda are also offered. Prices of fish may vary from week to week. Take-out service will also be available; advance orders MUST be received by noon on Fridays by calling 860 267-6644. Please DO NOT leave orders on answering machine.
Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent: St. Bridget Church at Noon and St. Patrick Church at 7pm on April 11th the St. Bridget's Stations at noon will take place at the Old St. Bridget Church on North Moodus Rd. in Moodus. The Ladies Guild will lead the Stations at the Old Church.
Book Discussion "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper" by Brant Pitre: Enhance your Lenten journey by learning more about one of the greatest mysteries of our Catholic faith - the mystery of Jesus' true presence in the Eucharist. Over 4 weeks we will read and discuss "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper" by Brant Pitre. We will meet in St. Patrick's Parish Center Library either Thursday mornings from 9-10am, March 13, 20, 27 and April 3 or Friday evenings from 6-7pm, March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. Please call the Faith Formation Office (860-267-6644) or email to register or for more details. Books may be purchased through the Faith Formation Office if you register before March 1st. Please read the first 2 chapters for our first meeting.
Soup & Salad Supper: March 15, 2025 at 6:30pm in St. Bridget's Marian Hall. The Ladies Guild is sponsoring their popular All you can eat Soup & Salad Supper once again this year. $7 per person, Kids under 5 years old free. Family capped at $25. Doors open at 6:30pm.
The parish MAILING ADDRESS for all correspondence is St. John Paul II Parish, 47 West High St. East Hampton, CT 06424. Including letters directed to our pastor. The PO Box in Moodus is closed and there is no U.S. Mail receptacle at the St. Bridget Church location. General Email:
Traveling & looking for Mass?
Go to to find a Mass time while away.
Mass Times
Saturday Confessions 3:00pm followed by
the Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:00 am & 7:00 pm
Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:00am
St. Bridget Church:
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm.
Confessions following the Vigil Mass at 6:30 pm
Sunday: 7:00 &11:30 am
Weekdays: Wed. 8:00 am & Fri. 8:00 am
FIRST SATURDAY MASSES at St. Patrick Church on the First Saturday of each month. Confessions will be heard starting at 8:00am and Mass starts at 9:00am
Office Hours
47 West High St. East Hampton for both St. Bridget's and St. Patrick's.
MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8:00 am - Noon and 12:30pm - 4:00 pm
February 17, 2025 Presidents Day
April 18, 2025 Good Friday
April 21, 2025 Monday following Easter Sunday
- Rev. Darius Dudzik, Pastor
- Rev. Martin Noe, Parochial Vicar/Assistant
- Deacon Dan D'Amelio, Permanent Deacon
- Mrs. Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
- Mrs. Molly Bickford, Director of Confirmation & Youth Ministries
- Mrs. Marlene Hale, Parish Secretary
- John P. Higgins, Director of Music and Organist
Daily Readings
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord
03/25/25 8:30 am
Monday of the Third Week of Lent
03/24/25 8:30 am
Third Sunday of Lent
03/23/25 8:30 am
Readings for the Year CReadings for the Scrutiny Year A Readings
Year C Readings Scrutiny Year A Readings
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